Summer Vacation 2010

Well we did it, we took a vacation to Hot Springs, Arkansas. We had a great time reconnecting as a family away from the tv, internet, and all the everday life that runs our life. It was so pretty there but very hot and humid. I think we all lost some weight from the amount of sweat that came off our body. The people their were very friendly and the town seemed to have a small town feel. I guess that wouldn't take much to feel that way since we live in Dallas. We got to swim, play putt-putt, take a few tours, and attend a comedy/music show. The show was great and even included Mike being asked to go on stage. I'll just say that part of it included him doing a Brittney Spears imitation. Brandon and I have not laughed that hard in a long time. Lucas couldn't even look he was laughing so hard. Thanks honey for being such a good sport. We really want to go on vacation again, we had such a wonderful time.